Triggers, Glimmers & Body Paint :
Why we need to know about Trauma and Polyvagal Theory as Movement Educators and Therapists
This course will provide an overview of the autonomic nervous system and its evolutionary survival strategies. Mapping the different expressions of the vagus nerve, we explore both the anatomy and the lived experience of our bodies’ attempts at protection and connection.
Based on the most recent polyvagal theories and research, we suggest how creative, relational and body-based interventions can offer a trauma-sensitive approach to our movement practices.
Moving beyond vagus nerve ‘hacks’, we consider how a deeper understanding of co-regulation and its impact on general health can also contribute to our own self-care as practitioners.
This livestream course will be delivered via zoom in two parts.
Part 1 will focus on theoretical foundations.
Part 2 - practical applications and case study material.
The content will be mostly ‘lecture’ format with some experiential exercises.
You will have access to the recordings and bonus material after the course date.
This course will cover:
- Revised definitions of trauma
- The neurobiological imprint of trauma
- Polyvagal Theory principles of Neuroception, Hierarchy & Co-regulation
- Fight, Flight, Freeze, Fawn, Faint states
- Connections between stress, trauma and illness
- Relationship between Individual and Collective healing
- Practices to support vagal tone
- Trauma sensitive principles of Titration, Pendulation and Pandicular movement
- Role of orienting, directing attention and mobilizing the imagination
- Multi-modal attunement
- Case study material
- Accessible ways to bring all the theory to life
Instructor: Dominique Bulgin
Dates :
Part 1 & Part 2 TBD
Investment : $275
Early Bird: TBD